All In is a two-year discipleship initiative where we are asking every person at Redeemer to get before the Lord with a real openness and ask what it means for us to go all in, to be so gripped by Jesus' grace in our lives that it takes us to places of deeper trust and surrender to the Lord.
Hey Redeemer!
For 16 years, the Lord has allowed Redeemer Church to make His Name known both near and far, and while various aspects of our church have changed through the years, the constancy of the God we worship has not. Redeemer’s mission is to be a Gospel-Centered Missional Family of Disciples Making Disciples, and our elders pray this statement continues to inform who we are and all that we do as a church. In His great kindness to us, the Lord has allowed us to see people come to faith for the first time, experience brokenness restored, learn what it means to read the Bible together as a church, watch our little ones actively participate in worship, and send some from among us to the Nations so that all may hear the truth of the Gospel. We are truly humbled that God has allowed us to be a part of His Kingdom work.
We are moving into another defining season for our church, one we are calling the All In Initiative. In early 2023, our elders began asking the Lord what might be ahead for our church, and He laid a vision for deep discipleship and wide reach on our hearts. We’ll be sharing details about the All In Initiative in the coming weeks, but our biggest prayer throughout the entire initiative is that every adult, student, and child that walks through our doors would have the opportunity to hear and consider what it means to be All In for Jesus.
Grateful to be on this journey with you,

100% Engagement
All In is first and foremost a discipleship initiative. We want to seek complete devotion to Jesus and His Kingdom. Can you imagine what would happen if every single person at Redeemer chose to participate and grow in generosity, becoming more like Christ?
$12 million
This is a one-fund initiative. That means we are trusting God for this amount to cover all of our expenses in the next two years - our ongoing general budget and our expanded vision. This will accomplish two main goals for Redeemer over the next two years - to deepen discipleship & widen our reach.
Our core priority is sending healthy and active disciples to reach our city and the world with the Gospel. In this season, we want to continue investing in our weekly worship gatherings, Gospel Communities, generational ministries, and ongoing church planting and sending efforts.
As the city of Lubbock grows and expands, we are committed to reaching 1% of the Lubbock population with the Gospel through a multisite strategy. In the next two years, we will begin laying the groundwork for a second Redeemer campus in South Lubbock to increase our capacity to make disciples both near and far.