Our primary goal is 100% engagement.
All In is first and foremost a discipleship initiative. We are praying that 100% of our church will open themselves up to the Lord and consider what it means to live with ALL IN with Jesus. We want to see the Lord bring our whole church family to a place of deeper faith and surrender, to be gripped by His grace in a way that changes our hopes and priorities.
Whether you’ve never given anything before, or you’re a consistent and thoughtful giver, we believe there is a next step God is asking all of us to take in our stewardship of the financial resources He has entrusted to us to manage. We are asking everyone at Redeemer to pray earnestly about what that is. Can you imagine what would happen if every single person at Redeemer chose to participate and grow in generosity, becoming more like Christ?
The commitment card is a tool to help you engage with All In. Watch this video for help in considering and making your commitment.

First and foremost, we ask that you pray and seek God's lead on what He is asking of you. Prepare your heart to hear Him and listen to what He says. Engage in a Gospel Community during this season, if you haven't already joined one. Engage in God’s Word and study the book of Philippians alongside our church family. Talk with your group, spouse, family, friends, or others about what this commitment will mean for this next season of your life.
We are asking that you make a commitment to gospel-driven, surrendered generosity - whatever it is that God leads you to do. We want to see 100% of our church engage with Lord in this season.
Finally, mark your calendar for Commitment Sunday, March 4th, and pray that God would do more abundantly than we could ask, think, or imagine as we gather for worship and to make our commitments together as a church.
We are asking everyone to make a two-year commitment to All In. Your commitment will start with our First Big Give on Sunday, March 24, 2024 and culminate in March 2026.
Be creative as you explore ways you and your family can give towards All In. You may have stock, property, or other investments. Or, you may have some stored resources that God has blessed you with that He is calling you to give out during this time. Please let us know if you need assistance in facilitating non-cash gifts. We would be happy to help you with that. You can contact our finance team through accounting@redeemerlubbock.org.
If you are someone currently seeking to make payments to pay off debt right now, we commend you for making progress on that. You should continue to do so. We would be happy to help you in this journey and recommend tools to help you. However, being in debt does not make someone "excused" from giving. Giving isn't about what God wants from you; it's about what God wants for you. It should be our joy and privilege to give at all times, regardless of the amount or percentage. Please contact us at accounting@redeemerlubbock.org if you need help working through all of this.
None of us know exactly what our future will hold. That's the beauty and challenge of taking steps of faith! Even if you're not sure if you'll be a part of Redeemer Church for the entire span of the next two years, we invite you to still commit to generosity and be a part of this life-changing endeavor God has for our church. If needed, you may modify your commitment at any time. Often, God calls people to continue to support Redeemer even after they've left so they can still be a part of the work God is doing here in our city and to the ends of the earth. If you happen to move out of the area, we will miss you but still invite you to join Redeemer in the All In Initiative.
All In is about your total, prioritized, gospel-driven generosity to God through Redeemer. God calls us to action in times of hardship just as much as He does in times of abundance, which looks different for every person. All In is about a heart surrender and trusting the promptings of the Holy Spirit in your life - something that is only accomplished by seeking the Lord and responding to His call and His Word. That may mean that you are challenged to sell things, pick up odd jobs, or even to trust God in faith by making a commitment that you don't quite know how to fulfill right now, but that you believe God will provide for as you seek for ways to sacrifice and work toward that commitment. Our hope and prayer is for 100% of us to be a part of All In so that we can all support, love, encourage, and pray for one another through this life changing season at Redeemer.
All In was prayerfully started with you in mind. It's a "one fund" generosity initiative that is the perfect way for you to take your first steps in giving. All In is a call to surrendered, gospel-driven generosity for absolutely everyone at Redeemer. If you have never given before, it's time to get in the game with committed giving. We really hope you will! It will change your life.
We are so glad you're here! All In is going to take our whole church on a journey to deepen our discipleship and desire for God. Whether you've been at Redeemer for ten years or this is your first day, All In is for you. We believe that God designed the local church to advance His mission and we would love to help you take steps to connect more deeply.